Expo 2020 Dubai - News
Expo 2020 Dubai
1 October 2021 - 31 March 2022
Latest news and updates
31 March 2022 - Closing of ´The Forest´
The 31st March 2022 marks the closing date of Expo 2020 Dubai. At SBC we believe that it has been a truly successful six months which we were very happy to be part of as one of the Official Organisations.
We had the honour of speaking to Jan Thesleff, Commissioner General of the Swedish Pavilion, who said a few words about the world exhibition.
Congratulations to the Bronze prize for category Theme Interpretation – how does it feel?
Thank you very much! We are very proud of this recognition. This is a proof that our pavilion - The Forest - really stood out among the 192 pavilions at Expo 2020. It is truly an iconic building, representing sustainability and first-class architecture and design.
Compared to the other 191 pavilions, what made the Swedish Pavilion special and what were you most proud of?
We were different than the others as we spoke about methods and processes, i.e. our sustainability journey, rather than just about results. This gave us credibility and visibility, which the 1.1 million visitors to the pavilion are a proof of.
What event during these 6 months will you still talk about in 10 years from now?
Sweden’s national day, celebrated at Expo 2020 on December 15, 2021, was a very special moment. Despite the worldwide pandemic, Sweden was present in force. His Majesty the King, Minsters, State Secretaries and the who-is-who of Swedish business and agencies were all in Dubai. This was a strong sign of Sweden’s international commitment.
What will you miss the most?
I will miss my wonderful, professional, tireless, and fun colleagues and all those who supported and believed in us. SBC is one of those organisations that always were by our side!
What is your plan now?
There is a lot of follow-ups to do. We need to evaluate and learn the lessons from Expo 2020. In the fall I will go to India, where I have been designated as our next Ambassador. The adventure continues, but the Expo, Dubai and the UAE will always hold a special place in my mind and heart.
Jan Thesleff, Commissioner General, Swedish Pavilion
Part of the team at the Swedish Pavilion
1 Oct - The inauguration of ‘The Forest’
The day has finally arrived, the most awaited moment of the year - the inauguration of ‘The Forest’. On Friday 1st October, the morning started with an inauguration speech by the Commissioner General Mr Jan Thesleff on the Co-creation stage on the ground floor of the pavilion. The guests were able to listen the vision behind the pavilion from the architects, meet the construction team who built the pavilion, as well as meet other key team members behind this iconic building and program of Expo 2020 Sweden.
Mr Thesleff invited Her Excellency Liselott Andersson, Ambassador of Sweden to the UAE and H.E Maryam Majid bin Theneya, Federal National Council Member up on stage to cut the ribbon for the grand opening of ‘The Forest’ under the theme of ´Co-creation for innovation´.
During the evening the inauguration continued. Guests were able to enjoy live performances by several Swedish artists.
Warm welcome to the Swedish Pavilion, The Forest in the Sustainability District.
Liselott Andersson, Ambassador of Sweden to the UAE and H.E Maryam Majid bin Theneya, Federal National Council Member
7 Sept - Full speed at the Swedish pavilion ”The Forest”
With only 23 days to go before the inauguration of Expo 2020, the preparations are at full speed at the Swedish pavilion ”The Forest”. The final touches of the pavilion are being made and the entire staff is now on-site.
We have the pleasure to inform that key people in the Expo team are now on site in Dubai and working on each area. We have communication, conference and the program unit running.
“It feels fantastic to finally have the entire staff in the pavilion and to meet everyone who will be representing Sweden and the Swedish pavilion during the six months of Expo 2020. Needless to say the days leading to 1 October are hectic, but also filled with excitement and joy”, says Media Director Adriana Haxhimustafa.
141 companies and organizations are currently part of the Swedish Expo participation, but there still available dates and time slots to rent conference spaces in the pavilion. Expo 2020 will be the first time the world will gather again after the pandemic and to take advantage of the platform that the Swedish pavilion offers. The Swedish pavilion will be open twelve hours a day, seven days a week for 182 straight days.
“On 1 October, Expo 2020 will open and we cannot wait for you all to come and experience the tranquility of Swedish forest, Swedish fika and exhibitions from some of Sweden’s most creative minds, here in the Emirati desert”, concludes Adriana Haxhimustafa.
For more information about the Swedish participation at Expo 2020, please visit www.expo2020.se. For tickets, please visit www.expo2020dubai.com/en/tickets-and-merchandise/tickets.
10 June - Sweden invites everyone to the Swedish Forest at Expo 2020
As Expo 2020 gets closer and closer to opening its doors on 1 October, the Swedish Expo Team gets ready to welcome the world to its beautiful self-made pavilion "The Forest”.
“We are happy to reach the completion of our proud pavilion, paying homage to the vast forests and grand nature scenery that embody Sweden as a country”, says Program and Communications Director Mattias Hansson.
122 companies and organisations are currently part of the Swedish Expo participation, but there are still available dates and time slots to rent conference spaces in the pavilion, a great way for all companies and organisations to make real use of this unique opportunity that Sweden’s presence at Expo 2020 represents.
The interest in the Swedish contribution to Expo 2020 has been largely acknowledged and many are curious to see what to expect from ‘The Forest’.
The backbone for the scheduling of activities are the official Expo theme weeks: Climate & Biodiversity; Space; Urban & Rural Development; Tolerance & Inclusivity; Knowledge & Learning; Travel & Connectivity; Global Goals; Health & Wellness; Food, Agriculture & Livelihoods; and Water.
If you want to join us on this endeavor and to make sure to partake and have influence on the inspiring and pioneering content created in The Forest, please contact Mattias Hansson for planning public program activities or Malak Sekkat for booking a conference venue to host your exclusive, invite-only events, with catering in a Nobel banquet style.
Mattias Hansson
Program and Communications Director
Malak Sekkat
Partner Relations Manager
Let’s connect minds and create the future in the Forest!
20 April - Mentorship Program at the Swedish Pavilion for Swedish speaking candidates
Är du i början av din internationella karriär och letar efter ett snabbspår in till rätt kontakter och rätt arbetslivserfarenhet?
Genom att arbeta i den svenska paviljongen på Expo 2020 i Dubai kommer du, förutom att få vara med och skapa detta megaevent, också i kontakt med både det svenska och internationella näringslivet. Som Mentee i den svenska paviljongen representerar du Sverige under Expo 2020 i Dubai. Arbetsuppgifterna inkluderar att guida besökare och våra partnerföretag i paviljongen, se till att allmänheten samskapar och interagerar med den publika utställningen och att förmedla en god Sverigebild – allt från svenska värderingar till de senaste framstående svenska innovationerna. Positionen inkluderar även att se till att våra partnerföretags evenemang får en extra guldkant med service i toppklass i vår konferensavdelning och på vår takterrass. Du kommer dessutom att bli tilldelad en egen mentor från det svenska näringslivet som du har möjligheten att träffa både före och efter Expo.
Skicka in din ansökan här senast den 29 april: https://swedenexpo2020.rosterfy.eu/register (Välj Mentorship Program som ”Primary Position of Interest”)
18 March - Swedish Business Council is the Official Organisation of the Swedish Expo Pavilion 2020
The Swedish Business Council is proud to announce the partnership with Expo Sweden 2020 as one of the Official Organisations. We look forward to working closely with the Expo Sweden team and our members during the event.
22 March - Swedish Pavilion Recruitment Event at Emirates Golf Club
Together with the Swedish Expo 2020 team, SBC hosted a Recruitment event for the Swedish Pavilion, The Forest.
Apply for available jobs by the 15th April by clicking here.
Click here for the full presentation of available positions and further information about the Swedish Pavilion.
17 March 2021 - Come and join the Swedish Pavilion at Expo 2020 and find out how YOU can be part of the World’s Greatest Show.
The Expo 2020 will take place in Dubai, UAE from 1 October 2021 to 31 March 2022.
The theme for the Swedish contribution to Expo 2020 is “Co-creation for Innovation”. For Sweden, this represents a joint call between the public, industry and academia to come together, co-create and innovate in order to pave the way for a better future.
Our goal is to inspire guests visiting the Swedish pavilion at World Expo 2020. We want visitors to learn about Sweden, its world leading multinational companies, open-minded values, welcoming culture and feel a part in co-creating for innovation. In order to convey this message, hospitality and the presence of professional, knowledgeable and helpful staff will be crucial.
Apply here until 15 April.
We are looking forward to your application!
1 March 2021 - Do you want to join the Swedish Expo 2020 team? We’re recruiting!
Expo 2020 will be the biggest happening in Dubai for many years to come. Don’t miss the opportunity to be a part of this international mega event. Now it’s your chance to join the Swedish Expo 2020 team and become an ambassador for the Swedish innovative power that our companies hold. On 22 March, SBC will together with the Swedish Expo 2020 Secretariat be hosting a recruitment event in Dubai. The event will provide details on how to become a team member and thereby be a part of shaping the visitor experience in the Swedish pavilion ‘The Forest’. Commissioner General Jan Thesleff will together with his colleagues introduce you to the Swedish participation and provide insights that will give you a head start on your application!
The credo for the Swedish participation at Expo 2020 in Dubai is ‘Co-creation for Innovation’. This will be running as a red thread through the Swedish presence in Dubai. The staff in our pavilion ‘The Forest’ will embody the Swedish spirit of co-creation through their interactions with our partners and visitors. ’The Forest’ offers a unique experience in a unique setting, where the whole world meets for the first time after the pandemic, both physically and virtually, to discuss and solve the problems of the future.
In mid-March, the Swedish Expo 2020 team in cooperation with SBC will be starting the recruitment process to fill the pavilion with curious, knowledgeable, and proactive colleagues. Several roles with varied experiences will be posted to ensure a multifaceted exchange between staff and visitors.
Preliminary list of positions to be posted:
Guides (Exhibition)
Team leader (Exhibition)
Guides (Conference Section)
Head of the Conference Section
Assistant to the Commissioner General
Media Liaison Officer
Assistant to Media Liaison Officer
Assistant to the Program Manager
Assistant to the Controller
Expo 2020 will take place in Dubai from 1 October 2021 to 31 March 2022. The official theme of Expo 2020 is "Connecting Minds - Creating the Future". The Expo area is divided into three thematic districts: opportunity, mobility, and sustainability. The Swedish pavilion is located in the Sustainability District. The participation at Expo 2020 in Dubai is the largest Swedish export and investment promotion engagement in history, co-created by the government and the private sector. Expo 2020 will serve as a catalyst to restart the global economy through joining forces over country borders.
The Swedish pavilion is built entirely of wood from the forest in the Swedish county Dalarna. The 18-meter-high building gives a powerful impression. The pavilion's wooden construction and interior contain many new innovative, smart, and sustainable solutions. The pavilion is mainly divided between the public exhibition, which will be open daily between 10 am and 10 pm, and the conference section, where the more than 110 participating companies and organizations will host their own activities. The public exhibition is co-created together with our 30 Official Partners. On the top floor, a rooftop lounge is located for the participants to mingle after their company activities with an astonishing view over the whole Expo area.
This is an excellent opportunity to gain valuable work experience and broaden your international network of contacts in the expansive and thriving business hub Dubai, where the world will be united during Expo 2020. Make your next career move and lay the foundation to your global business network together with us in ‘The Forest’!
A link to the recruitment will be posted once the recruitment process has started.
24th November 2020
In a webinar on 24 November, SBC members were given an update about the Swedish participation at Expo 2020 in light of the one-year postponement. Incoming Commissioner General Jan Thesleff and Deputy Commissioner General Nina Ekstrand presented the Swedish government’s priorities during the World Expo, the progress of the construction of the Swedish pavilion “the Forest” and how SBC members could take advantage of the Swedish Expo participation.
The Swedish participation at Expo 2020 in Dubai, due to the pandemic postponed one year and currently taking place between 1 October 2021 and 31 March 2022, is the largest Swedish investment on export and investment promotion in modern time. It is a joint investment by the government and participating companies and organizations. The purpose of the Expo participation is to strengthen a positive image of Sweden with sustainability in focus, increase Swedish exports, promote Sweden as a nation of knowledge and innovation, and to strengthen the business community's competitiveness and creativity. The Expo participation is seen as especially important to secure future Swedish exports in the wake of the pandemic.
The Commissioner Generals continued by explaining the many possibilities that the Swedish Expo participation could mean for SBC members:
· A global meeting place with millions of participants from all over the world, both physical and virtual.
· Unique line-up of Swedish companies to discuss future collaboration with.
· Up to 190 countries and international organizations are participating, including the EU and the UN.
· A large number of Swedish high-level visits are planned to the Swedish pavilion. Companies participating as Official Partners receive invitations to participate during the high-level activities.
· Use Expo 2020 by bringing your incoming delegations to and hosting your business meetings in the conference section of the Swedish pavilion.
· The conference section and the roof-top lounge can be booked by all companies on an ad-hoc basis.
· Bookings will open closer to the opening of Expo 2020 in order to give priority to Official Partners and Official Sponsors.
· Great way to show your delegation a sample of Sweden as well as taking advantage of all the interesting activities happening both in the Swedish pavilion and at the Expo area in general.
In addition to the possibilities for companies, the Swedish pavilion will recruit many co-workers during the spring of 2021. The Swedish pavilion will offer a unique working experience during the World Expo:
· The Swedish Expo participation will during the spring of 2021 be looking for personnel to the Swedish pavilion. It will be a unique opportunity to represent Sweden during the six months long event with many spectacular activities and high-level visits taking place in the Swedish pavilion and at the Expo area.
· Some of the positions that will be posted are:
o Exhibition Team Leader
o Exhibition Guide
o Conference Section Manager
o Conference Section Hosts
· A full list will be posted on our website www.expo2020.se and in our social media channels.
For more information about the Swedish Expo participation, see the presentation from the webinar here (pdf), the website www.expo2020.se or contact our secretariat:
Jan Thesleff
Commissioner General
Ludvig Daver
Pavilion Director
Some of the participants during the webinar