Välkommen, Welcome, أهلا بك
This month the Swedish Business Council had the great honour of interviewing and getting to know the newly appointed Swedish Ambassador - Designate to the UAE, Fredrik Floren.
Swedish Ambassador - Designate to the UAE, Fredrik Floren.
Could you provide some insights into your background, shedding light on your journey and experiences that have shaped you as Ambassador Fredrik Floren?
Early on as a child I was interested in the ”other” - people, places, things. I was eager to explore and to learn. I’ve been privileged to call that way of life, work.
Throughout my career, I’ve met a lot of interesting people with different backgrounds and circumstances. That’s perhaps the most rewarding thing with this profession, the personal encounter.
For me as a person and a diplomat, it’s important to treat everyone with the same respect and kindness. And to stay curious. A good diplomat listens more than he/she speaks. But of course, it’s also important to be an advocate for his/her country’s interests, to search for solutions and find common ground.
In the context of your role, what personal attributes and characteristics do you believe have been instrumental in your diplomatic career?
Apart from the ability to stay curious, to work together, never give up, long hours, to see possibilities, instead of problems!
Beyond your diplomatic duties, do you have any hobbies or interests that you are passionate about?
Yes! First of all, I’m very much of a family man. I love to spend time with my wife Linnea, who also works for the Swedish government, and our two children, our dog Louie, a black cavapoo, who in a few months also will move to the UAE. I can’t wait for them to join me in Abu Dhabi!
I love art and architecture. Skiing is a favourite sport. And I love pop music as most Swedes. From ABBA to Loreen. I actually invited her to Tunis to sing at the inauguration of our new embassy there. Loreen’s Du Gamla Du Fria acapella is unforgettable.
Ambassador Fredrik Floren at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Abu Dhabi
With a distinguished diplomatic career since 1997, could you share any memorable destinations that have left a profound impression on you during your travels?
I spent four years as a young diplomat in Havana and I often come back to that time, the hardships, music, scenery and the people.
For almost 20 years I’ve worked with Sweden’s relations with the Middle East and North Africa, so I bring experience from traveling alone, or accompanying Swedish ministers on official visits, from Rabat to Ramallah, Tindouf to Teheran. But I remain humble and have a lot to learn, the Middle East is a complex region. Diplomacy is life long learning.
What stand out as some of the most significant achievements and moments in your career as an Ambassador?
It’s difficult to mention particular moments, for me it’s more about the long journey working with brilliant colleagues, with its ups and downs. But I’ll never forget how we as a small team rescued children who were caught up in conflict. Their situation was utterly miserable. We managed to help them and consequently changed their lives.
What are your expectations and anticipations regarding your tenure and experiences living in the United Arab Emirates as the Ambassador of Sweden?
I’m thrilled to be in the UAE and I have received such a warm welcome.
We have a joint task as Team Sweden to work together. The UAE is an important partner and when we join forces, we will find synergies. One cooperation will lead to another, in business, science and culture. Working as an Ambassador, is a lot about bringing people together, opening doors, finding opportunities. Innovation and sustainability are key. And Sweden has attractive solutions to offer. Now we focus on COP28 in Dubai and several ministerial visits.
I look forward to work with a new team at the Embassy and to reach out to Swedes, Emiratis and other people here. It’s a true privilege to represent Sweden in the UAE.
For individuals aspiring to pursue a similar diplomatic career path, what valuable advice would you offer to guide them on their journey?
To stay curious and humble, to study languages, have a clear ethic compass and to work hard!