Välkommen, Welcome, أهلا بك
This month the Swedish Business Council had the great honour of interviewing and getting to know the newly appointed Swedish Ambassador to the UAE, H.E. Liselott Andersson. From the southern parts of Sweden, as a girl she aimed at becoming a foreign correspondent but ended up as diplomat posted in several countries. Now she has arrived for the first time on a posting in the Middle East where she is looking forward to discovering the UAE and promoting Sweden, not least with Expo 2020 Dubai as an important platform.
H.E. Liselott Andersson, Ambassador of Sweden to the UAE
Can you tell us a bit about your background - who is Liselott Andersson?
I grew up in Lund in Skåne where I spent my first 19 years. During my childhood I was fortunate enough to travel a lot with my family. I was exposed to many different countries and cultures, and this fostered and sparked an interest in working internationally. Therefore, after Secondary School it was only natural for me to continue exploring the world and learn languages. I decided to move and study French and French Literature in Paris for a couple of years. This was, as was my childhood, an important time of my life and it rooted the profession I have today.
After my years in Paris, I continued to study French at University of Lund and Political Science and Public Administration at University of Gothenburg. Even though, since my childhood I had a dream of working internationally it was during a course in international relations I really started thinking of working with politics. From university in my late twenties, I went straight into my diplomatic career as I was accepted at the Diplomatic Academy in Stockholm. My first posting abroad was at the Embassy of Sweden in Prague and from there onwards I have been fortunate to have lived and travelled in many corners of the world, and with postings in New York, Brussels and Paris.
Ms. Liselott Andersson, in Greenland during an Arctic Council meeting
This is very inspiring – is there any place in the world you have really been impressed by?
There are so many interesting places and cultures that I have been fortunate to visit. One place I was really blown away by was Greenland which I visited during an Arctic Council meeting. It is an amazing place and so different from everything else I have seen.
Do you have a special place you go to, to relax?
Definitely Skåne! Even though I have had Stockholm as my base since 1997, Skåne will always be my home and my favourite place with its beautiful open landscapes and beaches. This is where I am most at home and relaxed, and where I spend my summer holidays.
What are some of your hobbies?
My biggest hobby is to hike. One proud moment in my life was when I did the pilgrimage along the Camino de Santiago de Compostela in Spain. As I am only two months into my posting here, I have not had the opportunity yet to hike in the UAE, but I am looking forward to seeing what the country has to offer.
Can you tell us a bit about your characteristics?
I am a curious person who is open to meet new people, explore new countries and cultures. I like social activities, but I also appreciate the calm in reading a book at home. I have a big cultural interest and I love to explore arts and culture scenes in different countries including exhibitions, theatres and operas.
Inauguration of Swedish - Emirati Dads’ Photo exhibition, Oct 2021
What did you dream of becoming when you were a child and how does that compare to your role today as an ambassador?
As I mentioned I was privileged to have travelled a lot during my upbringing and that encouraged the interest of working globally. I wanted to become a foreign correspondent which was my aim, but I remember I landed in international relations through university during a course on multilateralism and the UN. It was somewhat by chance I ended up in my specific career, but as I always had an interest to work internationally, it made sense to take on this path and something I have never regretted.
You have certainly travelled to many places and surely met many people in your career while working for the Swedish Foreign Service for more than 20 years. What have been some of your proudest achievements and moments?
First of all, I am very proud that I was accepted at the Diplomatic Academy in my late twenties. Working as a diplomat it is a huge privilege to get to meet inspiring people and attend important meetings around the globe. I have had many interesting postings which all have had special moments. It is therefore difficult to mention anything in specific.
However, only as close as last week I inaugurated the ‘Swedish - Emirati Dads’ Photo Exhibition. That was a great joy. The same day I met with the Deputy UN Secretary General. I also, this week attended the graduation of the mentorship program ´YES! Young Emirati Women for Success´. All happening at the Swedish Pavilion, Expo 2020 Dubai. This is just a few moments showing the broad spectra of my job. Each moment in different corners of the world is so valuable and I cannot pick one. The whole mission is very special.
Speaking of mentorship programs - have you been part of such?
Yes, in my position today I have a senior Ambassador as my mentor. In my previous position I was a mentor. It is truly rewarding to be in both positions.
Ms. Liselott Andersson, Ambassador of Sweden to the UAE and H.E Maryam Majid bin Theneya, Federal National Council Member, cut the ribbon together for the Grand Opening of ‘the forest’ under the theme of co-creation for innovation.
What are your expectations of living in the UAE, working with the Expo 2020 Dubai and the other duties involved in your role? '
One reason why I applied for this position, was because I haven´t worked in this region before. I have always been eager to explore new areas, and I heard from others who had been posted here that they found it very rewarding. Of course, Expo 2020 Dubai makes it even more interesting to come here at this time. I have been in the UAE for two months and I must say it has been exiting from day one. I have been very warmly welcomed and already met so many friendly and interesting persons. I look forward to continuing promoting Sweden with Expo as a platform with many visitors and fantastic events together with partnering companies and organisations. I also look forward to continuing developing the relations between Sweden and the UAE, especially to further increase collaboration and bilateral trade where I see great opportunities.
What advice would you give to someone aspiring to follow a similar career path as yourself?
My advice is that if you have an interest in international work, you are curious and open to meet different people and experience different cultures, know foreign languages then diplomatic work might be for you. Finally, I highly recommend working as a Diplomat - it is a big honour and privilege to work and represent our country Sweden.